Monday, 8 February 2010

A Website Made Out Of Felt?

My goal for this project was to create a fun and interesting website to profile the music of ‘Pebble and Hoof’. The band required the website to feature their two characters Pebble, who is a Crab and Hoof, who is a Donkey. As well as the characters there was a desire for the sight to look ‘handmade’ and ‘organic’. With this in mind I chose to design physical 3D scene made entirely of felt and then later compose and animate parts in Flash and Photoshop. The Felt parts that made up the scenes and characters were individually scanned and imported in to Photoshop. The scenes were composed in Photoshop and then imported to flash to enable the characters to be animated. The characters were animated by making use of the ‘Bones’ function in Flash CS4.

to view the website click here

The Website for 'Lemons Stole My Shoehorn'

As part of my 2nd year in university I took a Multimedia module, which allowed me to take the opportunity to create my 1st stop-motion animation. I also designed and produced a website that would act as a platform to showcase the final short film. The website was graphically designed in Photoshop and then transferred to Flash to construct the different parts of the website. The site includes a music player; flash video player, hidden buttons and photo gallery.

to view the website and animation click:

or to view the animation on this blog via vimeo click here